A review by dmwhipp
Not One of Us by Debbie Herbert


Jori Trahan returns to the bayou in Alabama to care for her aging grandmother and autistic brother. She finds she's still haunted by the mysterious disappearance of her high school boyfriend and his family. Soon after her return, her questions lead to serious trouble.... family secrets, murders, drug smuggling and more are occurring in this little bayou town. Tegan, a single mother working for the police and battling her past reputation, investigates and befriends Jori in the process.

It was difficult to distinguish between the narrative voices of the two female characters and I didn't find either believable enough to connect with. Jori is 29 YO but has left her ailing grandmother to raise her special needs brother?! That, combined with plot holes and predictability (we all knew that synesthesia would come in handy, right?), made this a mediocre read for me.