A review by deb_is_reading
Broken Veil by Jeff Wheeler


this was fantastic! I'm so glad I picked up this series way back when. It was so refreshing and unlike anything I've ever read. It makes me so sad that most people won't even know of this series because Jeff Wheeler and this story isn't from a bigger publisher. I'll absolutely do whatever I can to push this series on other people because I'm that B*tch. I can't wait to pick up his other books.

- I felt like so many obstacles were presented to our protagonists throughout the series however I thought they came fairly organically. This past month I read another book series with about a billion side plots that felt like they were added for the sake of creating drama. It felt really good to see this done a with a little more hindsight.

- Both perspectives (Cettie and Sera) were soooo good. At the start of the series I wasn't totally in love with Sera as a character, I just didn't care.

- This series honestly reminds me why I love a good political fantasy.

- How the story has come from book one to now...wow.

You might like this series if you enjoy these tropes"
- Victorian sensibilities, culture, society
- floating isles/islands as a setting
- rags to riches protagonist
- just/honorable royal
- political fantasy
- destiny
- discourse about classism and elitism