A review by kodameansfriend
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury


A good story. Meh, writing.

Could be my mood at the time, but I found this to be quite a bit overwritten (and I read The Witching Hour this year) . The prose often pulled me out of the story. I'd find that I'd read certain paragraphs and not retain them. Then I'd struggle to get back into reading. Worse, after about the 7th time, I stopped caring. Literally didn't feel I was missing anything important. The story itself was interesting enough to make me want to find out what happens, but by the last 50 pages it became a Finishing Game for me, and I found the ending to be predictable and sloppy.

Perhaps one day in the future I'll reread this and have a better time; perhaps knowing the story, I'll be able to slow down and enjoy the prose (I normally appreciate beautiful poetically quien imagery), but this time I felt like it kept getting in my way... Until then, I'll give it three stars. I'm sure at least half of my issues with this book were time/mood related. * shrug *