A review by slc333
Captive by Anna Santos


Ok I am calling a halt at 20% because I can already tell this is not for me. Normally I wouldn’t rate a book unless I had read at least half but this was so bad. So, so bad with creepy stalker ‘love’.

Heroine is a super sweet, innocent and naive 18yr old which is kind of an annoying type but I could have got past that. What I can’t get past is the 2 completely horrid guys sides of our forthcoming love triangle. On one side we have creepy, cruel vampire guy who uses women for food & sex then wipes their minds who compels his soulmate (our heroine) to follow him so he can viciously reject her thus breaking the bond before passing her off to his creepy minions to be gotten rid of. Sure he didn’t actually mean for them to (attempt to) rape her before disposing of her but that is what he and his kind basically do every evening so he can hardly claim surprise at the attempt. Now this should be enough knock him out of the running completely but then we wouldn’t get the threatened love triangle from the blurb so I presume they will still be drawn to one another. Then we have guy number 2. He saves her from drowning, so he should be the good guy right? Well you would think so except that he saves her and flies her off to his lair where he plans to keep her for 31 days so he can make her love him. Because abduction and imprisonment are soo sexy (yes that was sarcasm in case you were wondering). Sure I get that he needs her to fall in love with him to break his curse so he wont be turned to stone. But while I understand wanting to woo her the way he goes about it is DEEPLY disturbing. He is super stalker creepy with the whole ‘Hello girl I have never met before. I am Cedric, the angels chose you as my mate so now we are married and you will love me. So creepy. Ugg, unless the heroine plans to reject both of them and lead a human rebellion to wreak bloody havoc on both vampires & gargoyles I am not interested in reading further. Then I decide to skim a bit further (I just can’t seem to help myself – it’s a sickness I know) and love interest no 2 - creepy stalker (as opposed to love interest no 1 - creepy abuser) thinks that this is an ok statement to make at their first meeting “I think you are more than suitable to bear my baby. You please me alot.”And do you know what our stupid heroine does in response to that delightful statement- is it kick him the junk? No. Is it run screaming? No. Does she smile placatingly at the crazy man while backing away slowly. No. She fucking giggles. That’s right, she giggles and asks him to take her site-seeing. I'm out.