A review by kinglee
The Fine Art of Keeping Quiet by Charity Tahmaseb


When Jolia is failing her speech class, due to her shyness and anxiety of speaking, she is forced to join the speech team. This forces her to face her fears of public speaking and make new friends along the way. It even gives her a chance to find love.

This was an okay read, nothing special. A lot of the story is Jolia at speech tournaments and facing her fears of public speaking and really speaking in general. I believe it does have a nice message of facing your fears and overcoming them. This is a story that I can see a number of people connecting with in one way or another, but for me, I didn't connect with it.

The writing was alright, but there were tropes in throughout it that I didn't like. It did feel like Sam, her love interest, fixed her by giving her the confidence to give the speeches and girls were mean to each other for no reason than to be mean. Those tropes took away from the story for me.

Overall, it was a mediocre read with a romance that I didn't feel. It's a quick easy read, but unfortunately falls under the all too forgettable.