A review by bfdbookblog
Building Bonds by Morticia Knight


wow...i really liked this story a lot!

the slow build of not only their relationship but of gavin teaching kyle all about the D/s relationship with the introduction of bdsm was really great. kyle's vulnerability and lack of self esteem and self confidence completely endeared him to me. i loved the contrast of his personality with the strength of the bdsm pieces he hand-crafted. i also liked that when he finally figured out what he wanted in his personal life, he completely embraced it and became such a strong individual and partner. master gavin's strength and patience was exactly what kyle needed to bring out his strength. i loved seeing some of gavin's vulnerability when it came to kyle because he just wanted them to work. they truly are the perfect D/s combo.

my only issue is the first 3/4 of the book was absolutely perfect. i thought the last 1/4 was a bit rushed and the timeline skipped ahead a great deal. it was almost like someone pushed a fast forward button to get to the end.