A review by blodeuedd
A Dragon of a Different Color by Rachel Aaron


Re-listen Nov 2023
Good times. All the feels

Relisten dec 2021
Book 4 done.
Amzing as always, how could it not be!?

Though I did get another book to listen to so book 5 must wait, but do not worry book 5! I will get to you too.


What are you waiting for?!?!?!?!?!?

FIrst time:

Omg omg omg. First, omg so hard to get a hold of this one. I listened to the last one 2,5 months ago and I have been dyyyyyyying for more.

Especially since we finally understood what happened in China! And got to see Julius free the Fs and Chelsea and I was all mooooore!

And this one begins with the Golden Emperor coming and I was all omg, finally finally finally! But OMG how she was evil. Every time we were getting close to something a Marci chapter came instead. And the Marci chapters were good since she is dead and all 0_0 but I so wanted to see all the threads come together. The Golden Emperor people! The golden Emperor!

And yes yes I wanted to see if Marci managed to come back from the dead too.

Not to mention the world is ending as Algonquin is going koko. And Bob's plans coming together. SO many things going on.

Damn, I can not write a normal review. One night I woke up at 4 am and could not fall back asleep. So I listened to this cos I thought about it always, always! Took me under 4 days and I tried to cram in as much listening time as I could. Because I could not stop.

Also I loved seeing more of Fredrick, he is the coolest butler ever.

SO if you have NOT started this series, what are you waiting for? Oh and listen, cos Vikas Adam is awesome!


Still the best series!
Omg what happened in China!

Love you Julius

Vikas Adam is the best narrator ever.

You have to listen to this series

The feels!

A re-listen is awesome for the soul

Duh, Vikas Adam is awesome!