A review by safwah_ar
The Refusal of Work: The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Work by David Frayne


A thought-provoking book, which invites us to challenge the traditional notions of work in today's society. Interrogating the various emotions and general feelings of apathy surrounding work, Frayne suggests several pragmatic actions in order to decentralise work in our lives, and to invite more free time for our own personal growth and development outside of work.

As someone who had struggled with work-life "balance" during the periods when I was employed, I definitely support shorter working hours as a feasible solution to decentralise work from our lives. I am also intrigued by the interviews conducted with people who were not conventionally employed. Some of them let go of professional jobs in favour of more autonomy and free-time. However, their lives were not without difficulties as society's views on unemployed people are still unfavourable.

This book is definitely worth a read.