A review by the_fabric_of_words
The Wishbreaker by Tyler Whitesides


In the second book, at the very least, the Universe gives Ace a bit of a break: it wipes his "consequence for wishing" slate clean, so he no longer has fish breath or a smudge of peanut butter on his cheek -- permanently. And it gives him the easiest quest ever: he has to make a PB&J sandwich and feed it to a person named Samuel Sylvester Stansworth.

Unfortunately, the genie Chasm is still making wishes and piling consequences on his friend Tina, and he and Jathon have to save her. As soon as they start trying to track down the Trinket Maker, the wishing begins and the consequences add up...

I won't spoil the ending, but pay attention to Ace's card -- his ace of hearts. It's key to the wrap-up of the story, and explains why Ace doesn't remember a thing about where he came from or how he got there in the first book.

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