A review by fdarlene491
Meghan: A Hollywood Princess by Andrew Morton


Andrew Morton gives us an often contradictory sometimes confusing profile of the now Duchess of Sussex. On one hand Morton describes her as a philanthropist concerned about women's rights and the plight of the poor while on the other hand she's a cold calculating social climber. A portrait of this dichotomy leaves the reader with a sense that with Meghan it's all in the perspective of the person interviewed. Those left behind bitter about their experiences or those still in her good graces with only praises to sing. A woman who throws herself wholeheartedly into a cause, job, or friendship and then able to casually move on to the next rung on the ladder without one look back. While people by our very nature are complex creatures with layers like an onion Morton gives us no layers to peel back. Selfless or self serving, take your pick.