A review by adventuresofaliterarynature
Just Let Go by Courtney Walsh


Another amazing and beautiful book from the talented Courtney Walsh!! I’m a relatively new fan (only read my first novel of hers in October) but this is my fifth book of hers and she has officially become one of my favorite authors!
I not-so-patiently awaited this book’s arrival in my mailbox and when it came I immediately set aside my current read (sorry not sorry) and dove in.
I was completely in love with both Grady and Quinn. Grady had a lot of work to do, but I loved watching him strive to be a better man and was cheering for him all the way. He always did life fast and his own way never listening or caring what others had to say but then Harbor Pointe forces him to slow down and Quinn gives him a reason to be better. His transformation throughout the book was one of my favorite parts and by the end he really was someone to admire!
Quinn is stuck, she does life by the book, and doesn’t deviate from the plan of how she thinks her life should go. Until Grady. It was such fun to watch him push her out of her normal little by little. They were as opposite as you can get but in all the right ways that complimented and challenged the other.
I absolutely loved revisiting Harbor Pointe and it’s become one of my favorite fictional towns. I love all the various townspeople and the unique flair they each brought. Especially Quinn’s Dad and the judge.
Also loved the whole Olympics aspect of the story since I’m a bit of an Olympics junkie!
I devoured this story and could stop reading because I just had to see how it would all work out! I can’t recommend Courtney’s books enough and this one is beyond amazing!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.