A review by allenfarm
Shame the Devil by Rosalind James


Jennifer Cardello and Harlan ‘Thor’ Kristiansen are vacationing at the same lodge when they run into each other, quite literally, while skiing. Jennifer is just out of a job and thinking about next steps. Harlan lost his team their chance to go to the Super Bowl and is there licking his wounds. What follows is a book with plenty of angst and drama and lots of steamy scenes. There is family tension, hardships, anxiety, and the usual follow your dreams vs living in fear. There is also a lot of loyalty, respect, and bravery. This book is darker than a lot of the New Zealand books written by Rosalind James, but still has the same integrity and honor from her characters. She writes real characters with real life scenarios and it draws you quickly in and keeps you engaged the entire story. This is an author worth every one click purchase of her books. You won't be disappointed.