A review by siennatristen
The Lumberjack's Dove by GennaRose Nethercott


I'm super duper picky about poetry. I married one of the winners of the first Louder Than a Bomb Massachusetts slam competition. I have unfairly high standards.



Do NOT let it slip under your radar. Even if you've never read a poem in your life. Even if you couldn't be paid to read poetry. Tough luck. You will read this and it will gut-punch you over and over and leave your heart all soft and wanting and your insides all cavernous and windy. You will read it and remember every time you've ever lost something, sacrificed something to regain something else, found something you didn't expect ever to find. You will--if you've any sense at all--want to run to the nearest person and force it into their hands so they can share your weird lingering sense of mis/understanding. If you've slightly less sense, you might run to the nearest tattoo artist instead, to get some of these lines inked onto your skin. So you won't forget.

I'm literally considering just not reading anything else until 2019 because I want this to be the note my year of reading goes out on. Wow.