A review by bookwormlala
His by Brenda Rothert


2.5 Stars
Characters: C
Plot: C
Heat: D

This book was kind of boring. The blurb gave me a lot of hope for it, and I thought it would be interesting. But, alas, it was not to be. I liked the fact that Andrew wasn't, mostly, your typical billionaire living in some penthouse apartment with huge offices. But still, the under billionaire trope is getting really old. I liked how smitten he was with Quinn. Quinn's character was ok too. But that's all they were, ok. There was nothing special about either one of these characters. Though Andrew's character is overdone, a lot could have been done with Quinn's character, yet it wasn't; and they both fell flat.

The plot was boring too. Again, a lot could have been done with it. We don't get the whole story of Quinn's homelessness until the end, and then everything was wrapped up so nicely, with no consequences to the perpetrators. And the people that seemed ok in the beginning turned out to be villains, which sucked.

There wasn't very much heat, and they sealed the deal pretty late in the book. Nothing too exciting.

Overall, just a boring, flat book. Which is why it gets 2.5 instead of 3 stars from me.