A review by marlee_baldridge
East of West Volume 3: There Is No Us by Jonathan Hickman


In the most "Holy F******* S***" volume yet, Hickman proves himself if not a visionary, then quite possibly the most talented writer on acid.

Times are a changin', and not just in the nations. Image Comics has brought us a plethora of new voices; brand new racial voices are being heard, Genre-benders are making the best-seller lists, and gender roles are getting a good ole KA-Pow! in the face. All of these brand new ideas about comic books are no better summed up than in EAST OF WEST, a beautiful and violent comic book about the end of times.

War is on it's way to the nations as the House of Mao decides to take a stand against the Chosen, those destined to bring about the apocalypse. Will our favorite princess-general keep her own in her effort to make the President's head her new purse?

Death & Co. have suffered a minor setback in an effort to find his son. But aside from some really cool art, this subplot is rendered null a little too soon for my taste.

The Horsemen decide enough is enough, ditch Ezra back at the house (although with a kinda-sad moment with Mother Conquest) and set of to destroy the Beast. Will these ne'er-do-wells reach the child of the Apocalypse before Death?

Archibald Chamberlain also features heavily in this issue, with cameos from the cool-looking but ultimately useless Lawman. The Endless Nation finally make an appearance (with a direct punch-of-badassery to the teeth) and Doma Lux, our lost Addams Family child, has an interesting few pages as well.

All in all, buy the book. It's totally worth it.