A review by emilyfrombookmarq
Modern Lovers by Emma Straub


I bought this book in anticipation of Emma Straub's new release, and I'm disappointed in myself for not reading it sooner. Modern Lovers does an amazing job of showcasing families in the 21st century and how there is no blueprint for what a nuclear family should look like. Even the most societally acceptable families have their secrets and challenges. I found it both entertaining and comforting to watch the relationships between three very different couples work through their issues. On the surface, they appear drastically different, but dig a bit deeper, and they are all connected through their means of communication, empathy, and deep love for one another. We get a look at a young love, gay love, interracial love, intersectional love, all forms of modern love. Some characters are much more likeable than others, yet you still find yourself rooting for their happy ending.