A review by spacestationtrustfund
From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawai'i by Haunani-Kay Trask


"Raw" is really the best adjective I can think of to describe this. Haunani-Kay Trask was very angry when she wrote this, and I can't blame her. Really, Trask's best point (in my opinion) was when she said that the best thing for non-Hawaiʻians to do would be to stop participating in the tourism industry. There are so many places in the world where the tourism industry is not only accepted but indeed actually welcomed; don't go to the places the locals are telling you to stay away from. It's like the difference between wearing a Japanese kimono or Indian sari, both of which are garments which can be worn by anyone and which their respective cultures broadly approve of being worn by non-natives, and wearing an Indigenous American tribe eagle feather headdress, which is a garment that Indigenous Americans have made explicitly clear that only certain very specific people within certain tribes should even consider wearing. Culture is meant to be shared, yes, but there's a difference between sharing and stealing.