A review by lorilaws
The Off Season by Catherine Gilbert Murdock


I hope by now you’ve heard me wax poetic about Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock. That book, you guys. I just can’t fully express my love for it. As soon as I finished it I started The Off Season. I’m so happy this is a trilogy or else I would have went through some serious withdrawals. And possibly even started Dairy Queen again. Oh, but never fear, there’s much more D.J., Brian, Curtis and everyone else in this installment.

To tell you the truth The Off Season went in a completely different direction than I was expecting. I won’t get into it in case you’re one of those unfortunate souls that still hasn’t experienced these books. I was certainly still pleased with the way the story played out. D.J. Is definitely growing as a character and I so happy to see her confront some of her issues. Even if she just accumulated more.

This story is more focused on family than the first one. Although, there were a few scenes with Brain that left me warm and fuzzy. The Off Season also has more heartache. The situation that D.J. finds herself in was just heart wrenching for me. I loved that she did what needed to be done though. She’s so mature and smart. I can’t help but admire her even if she’s fictional. She’s the type of character I could see being very close friends with, you know, if she were real.

Obviously, I loved The Off Season. It was a wonderful continuation of Dairy Queen. Now I can’t wait to get started on Front and Center. I hope by now you’ve added these to you must read very soon list.