A review by larryerick
The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America by Timothy Snyder


I have delayed for a full week writing a review for this book, something I never do. The short explanation for why that is so, is that I think it is the most significant book I have read in a few years, or that I could have read at this point in time. I didn't want to say that and not explain why. So, I've struggled. Quite simply, the book is a rarity for me, in that it takes many bits of information I am already familiar with and reveals stunning and obvious patterns that were not otherwise obvious to see. One example of what I mean, quite basic. Watch the YouTube video of a 7-year-old child revealing a geometric pattern hidden in multiplication table: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUd6v66qe0w. Go ahead, I'll wait. This emphasizes the ability to take known facts, a multiplication table and end up seeing fascinating relationships. In this author's case, he takes well known facts about Nazi Germany, plus a poorly known Russian philosopher, and connects them to a very well known Russian leader, who, in turn, has a very collegial relationship with a highly unorthodox American leader. The connections he reveals -- no, I should say points out -- are deeply disturbing, scary even. And that's on top of what many Americans already fear about the current administration. This is the third book I have read by this author. The first was sort of a checklist pamphlet on what citizens must watch for and fear in avoiding tyranny. The second was a first-rate historical account, centering on Russia, Germany, and the bulk of Europe, and, not coincidentally, directly related to the connections he makes in this book. He is a serious writer making extremely serious points about what America, Europe, and the world as a whole is facing.