A review by gailalison
Rescue Me by Sarra Manning


I really enjoyed this book. There were a lot complex emotional issues experienced by the main characters that pushed it beyond a standard rom-com. This story felt like it went on pretty long, and I wonder if something could have been cut out. Although, I also could have done with more of the two main characters being romantic together. That part seemed too brief. I also felt like it took at least the first quarter of the book before I started to really like both main characters. I appreciate when main characters are more complex, but their characterization bordered on just unlikeable for a while. I really appreciated that Margot is not physically not the typical rom-com heroine (red-headed and petite). She’s attractive and curvy and seems mostly secure about herself. If the story had been paired down just a bit, it would have been a higher rating. Overall, I still found myself getting lost in the store, which is the most I hope for while reading.
Thank you to NetGalley and Quercus for providing me access to this eARC for my honest opinion!