A review by billies_not_so_secret_diary
Mutation by Michael McBride


I received a free ARC copy of the book #Mutation by Michael McBride from #NetGalley and #Kensington Books/Pinnacle in exchange for an honest review. This book is set to be released September 29, 2020.

Mutation by Michael McBride is more in the action/adventure/paramilitary genre than the horror/mystery&thriller they have it listed under. It is the third book, and possibly final, in the Unit 51 series which continues the main story line about the ancient creature found in Antarctica in the first book Subhuman. If you like James Rollins's Sigma Force series, then you will enjoy the Unit 51 series by Michael McBride.

So not to spoil this adventure I won't give out too many details, but I will say that the story once again follows the same characters, each chapter from the view point of one character, as they try to stop the end of the world.

Not scary, but there was blood and such, death of course, and some deaths I was not suspecting, and those were pretty good shocks. It's a good story, flows pretty well, but there is a lot of military and scientific jargon, that in some parts made it kind of boring to read because it was a long string of words, and while some was need for explanation, others could've been shortened.

I did enjoy this story, but not as much as the second in the series, Forsaken, but I would still recommend this book and the series to those over 16.

I give this book a low 4 star rating.