A review by menrk
Breathe by Abbi Glines


This is an incoherent review because of my queasy stomach.

Lesson learned today: Victory is in the eye of the beholder.
Ugh! Barf! Whew! Finally got through it.

After noticing the growing pile of DNF books on my list, one of which was Existence by Abbi Glines, I made a promise to myself to at least try to finish everything I read from now on. So after my lucky reading streak this past week, I thought it was time to give Breathe a chance. I thought, so what if Existence made me want to puke with its Twilight-ness? Surely, there had to be some improvement, or else why were there people raving about it?

I was feeling brave (stupid bravery!). After all, how hard can it be to finish a book? Right? Yeah, right. I've almost forgotten why my pile of DNF books have grown, but Breathe is an easy reminder of why. Granted, I finished it (whew!), but it almost made me sick. No kidding, I feel like I'm coming down with something.

Once again, I feel cheated. It started out normal enough. Then those prim and proper sentences started to bug me. Please use contractions more, please please please... After that, I just mentally contracted (is that the right way to say it? haha) the sentences, but it irked me still. They were not talking like the seventeen- or nineteen-year-olds that they were supposed to be. Instead, they spouted off all poetic nonsense that made me cringe hard. Why oh why, am I inflicting myself this torture? (Oh yeah, almost forgot my stupid vow.) Really, it's hard for me to imagine a real rock star talking the way Jax was.

Then the "romance" picked up its pace, and if there was such a thing as mental death, I just experienced it. I swear, I want to quote every bad line I came across in this book. It killed me! These are just some:

“I didn’t mean I thought you were not capable of serving. I meant you’re too young and too beautiful to be flaunted in front of guys who think they have enough money and power to take what they want.”

“Well, girlfriend seems to be too shallow a word for what I feel for you. These past two weeks it’s been as if you control my breathing. When I watched you with Marcus, my chest would tighten, and it became hard to breathe. But then I would see you smile or laugh, and I could take a deep breath again.”

“I’ve been crazy since the day I walked upstairs to my bedroom and found you wiping something off the floor. I’ll never forget thinking, ‘I don’t care if she snuck in here to get close to me, if she’ll let me lose my fingers in those curls and stare into those baby blue eyes, she can get as close as she wants.” (creepy much?)

He grinned wickedly. “How do you suppose someone gets aggravated at someone who could have fallen out of heaven?” (Need I say more?)

But this one takes the cake:
He took my hands in his. “I love you more than anyone or anything I have ever known. You’ve somehow become the song inside of me. It’s because I love you so much I am going to walk out of your life and allow you to heal and find someone worthy of you. Someone who can take you to the movies and out to get a pizza and not have to worry about being mauled by fans, or your picture taken and splashed all over the news. I want you to have more than I can give.”
I glanced out the window and realized we were sitting outside my apartment again.
“I’m not strong enough to do this, Sadie. If you love me, you will get out of the car and walk away.”
(Really, hot guy, now you decide want to break up? I guess this was supposed to sound romantic and selfless of Jax, but in the real world it's all just douchiness to me.)

I rest my case.