A review by elevetha
The Flash, Vol. 6: Out of Time, by Van Jensen, Robert Venditti, Brett Booth


**An ARC of this book was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Disappointed, though not surprised, that it looks nothing like The Flash on the CW.

I've never read Vol 1-5, but due to knowledge garnered from the TV show and other sources (read: younger brother), I got along all right. To be honest, I only really requested this due to the same brother peering over my shoulder and seeing it on my dashboard and squealing about it.

As the title would suggest, the time travel element is pretty intense. The story jumps back and forth from the present to the future, though at varying times in the future, mostly about 20 years or so. But crap, it does so about a bajillion times. If anyone could really keep track of all the time-travel and convoluted , I commend them.

So future Flash is going kinda mental and keeps going back in time to fix issues he couldn't/didn't fix the first time around, and is totally intent on killing himself in the past, because that will fix everything!!

But would it really??

And Present Flash is "losing time" due to something Reverse Flash did. Enter Wally West.