A review by trike
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three, Vol. 2 by Brian Buccellato


I am tearing through these books because they are relentlessly entertaining. The only reason this one gets 4 stars instead of 5 is because it is essentially a housekeeping issue, where we see some loose ends tidied up done with a few flashbacks to the beginning of the tale.

I kind of get the feeling that people were asking, “What about the Teen Titans?” and “Where is [fill in obscure magic user]?” So Taylor has answers for all of that, which he again manages to fit into the larger tale seamlessly. But the background stuff with Constantine was kind of unnecessary. It’s nice to see that he was involved back at the start, but a bit redundant after the events of Year Three Vol. 1, where he manipulates, charms, tricks, and backstabs his way through the minefield that is a superhero civil war.

As for the Titans:
SpoilerSuperboy is carrying Beast Boy as he races Kid Flash to Metropolis to get lunch, and they arrive just as Joker’s nuke goes off. Kid Flash is instantly incinerated, while Connor tries (and fails) to shield Gar. So two Titans down, and junior Superboy grief-stricken. He’s super-disappointed that Clark killed Joker, righteous in the way only teenagers can be. He decides to send Superman to the Phantom Zone as punishment, but Superman kicks his ass. The other Titans have followed him to the Fortress of Solitude and likewise get pwned by Supes, who punches Connor so hard he nearly kills him. The only way to save him is to send him into the Phantom Zone. The rest of the surviving Teen Titans elect to go with him. I suspect they’ll be back, but in this story it’s hard to tell. They might just be permanently banished.

I wonder if the Legion of Superheroes will show up in the next installment? Or has Superman’s actions changed the timeline so much that they don’t exist in the far future? Can’t wait!