A review by thisfoxreads
Every Time a Bell Rings by Carmel Harrington


A paperback copy was in the special Christmas edition Once Upon a Book Club subscription box (2017). It's a sweet Christmas romantic bit of fluff--great for escapism. Set in Dublin, Ireland, and with more than a tip o' the hat to the classic movie "It's a Wonderful Life," it has a lot of backstory (and for good reason) before picking up steam. Once I got started, it was a quick, enjoyable read. There are several errors an editor or proofreader should have caught (a missing small word here or there, some punctuation, and I think 1 spelling error)--for shame, Harper books!
One disappointment--the cover of mine shows a woman walking under a pink umbrella in the snow--but she is Caucasian. It's an important point in the story that the main character, Belle, is half black. They really dropped the ball on that one.