A review by ibeeeg
Pleasuring the Pirate by Emily Bryan, Mia Marlowe


Complete Review can be found at: Mom-Msuings

I really enjoyed this read as I immediately liked Jack and Gabriel.
Jack is strong-minded, spunky, straight-forward, full of compassion and sense of duty. Gabriel has been a pirate for many years yet shows decent gentleman behavior. He is immediately taken in by Jack’s spunk, wit and compassion. Their attraction towards each other along with their witty dialogue is very satisfying. They are a good match.
I was very satisfied with Jack and Gabriel.

The storyline immediately pulled me in and engaged me for the most part. The story was kept light and moved at a nice smooth pace. My only trouble would be towards the end as I felt certain happenings were a bit too convenient. Regardless, I was very satisfied with this read. I was satisfied with the secondary characters most especially the nieces as their child perspective added some witty dialogue.

Pleasuring the Pirate is a fun, witty and steamy romance story that will keep you reading until the end.

Rating: 3.75/5 stars