A review by fantasyliving
Breakdown by Jack L. Pyke


In the aftermath of [b:Antidote|18751334|Antidote (Don't..., #2)|Jack L. Pyke|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1383532083s/18751334.jpg|26638783] Jack is in serious need of therapy as a sectioned inpatient at the MC psychiatric facility.

Here we go back to Jack's youth, before he met Gray, and the horrors that shaped the PTSD, OCD, DID, ODD, survivor he is now.

This story helps us understand Jack better, how he got to where he is, and is told solely from Jack's pov.

This is five stars for the care and attention to detail of Jack's stay in the care of Dr Halliday and Craig and the brilliant unraveling of Jack's past, and the gaps that needed filling to see the whole man.

I'm now in hangover mode.........