A review by misssusan
The Assimilated Cuban's Guide to Quantum Santeria by Carlos Hernandez


interesting set of near-future sci-fi stories. hernandez ranges quite broadly in subject matter -- a story about panda sex! a murder mystery! semi-zombie-mostly-science story on alien symbiotes called macrobes! -- but he does have a one ongoing narrative thread with a reporter who narrates a few of the stories. his writing is strong throughout and consistently conceptually interesting

anyways, i quite liked it! also at some point i'm going to sit down and analyze what makes a narrative feel male to me because reading this like i was like 'ahh yes, definitely written by a dude' and i'm not sure what it was that pinged me as such because it's not about the narrator -- not all of them were men and besides i have read stories narrated by men that didn't hit that reaction -- and it didn't have the kind of pervasive narrative sexism that makes it obvious that the writer's never considered women's perspectives so like. idk. will calendar in that pondering soon

3 stars