A review by trin_ney18
One for All by Lillie Lainoff


4/5 Stars

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review.


Female musketeers who must work under the guise of going to a finishing school while being trained how to seduce and spy on men (and also some really cool fencing scenes).

For someone who isn't a huge fan of historical fiction, I had so much fun reading this. We love badass women who don't let anything hold them back, even their own disabilities. I also love the Own Voices representation because chronic illness often isn't something you get major representation of in books, especially adventure books.

The ending was a bit predictable but the unraveling of events was still really fun to read about. I've already talked to multiple people about this new book and they are so interested. Can't wait to see how it does when it officially releases!