A review by shelfaddiction
The King by J.R. Ward


Originally posted on Shelf Addiction! Read this rest of this review and more at Shelf Addiction

While I love BDB books, this installment wasn't my favorite. Don't get me wrong, it's still very good, I just wanted more. Yep, I'm greedy, I want it all! Plus the bar has been set pretty high thanks to War'd previous books. Before I get into things, I've got to mention that there is a lot going on in this book. A lot of story lines and a lot of characters. Dare I say that there's too much going on? That surely contributed to why this book didn't earn 5 bookmarks from me. With that said, I'll try my best to keep the spoilers to a minimum and try not to muddy the waters too much.

In book twelve we return to focusing on The King, Wrath and his Queen Beth. Sort of. Along side their story line there are several other story lines that get just as much face time if not more than Wrath/Beth.

There is more time than I'd like dedicated to the whole Lalya/Xcor "thing" or whatever it is. I don't like the road that Layla is going down. Not at all. Is Ward trying to make Xcor not so bad? Blah. He's bad. Period. Is Layla supposed to save him from himself? I call shenanigans. Some people can't be saved, and Xcor falls in that category! Please I beg you, don't make me read a whole book dedicated to them! Please don't do it!

We also see with John having some major issue physically and mentally, unbeknownst to him, it's due to his dead father Darius poking through is subconscious. Two people, one body? I always thought that Darius was reincarnated when John was born, but we'll see. I wonder how long it will take for Beth and John to figure out what's happening there.

...Continue reading the rest of the review on my blog Shelf Addiction