A review by somewheregirl7
The Stone Light by Kai Meyer


In the second Dark Reflections book the story fractures, following Merle as she sets off with the Flowing Queen to find help for Venice against the Pharaoh's invading army and also following Serafin's story as he stays behind in Venice.

The story jumps around a lot between the two characters, though Merle still receives the majority of page time. That jump can be a bit disconcerting and was at times awkward. Otherwise the story continues to intrigue me and the world building is excellent. Meyer has a way with characters that draws you in and I really love Merle and Serafin. Though, as usual with many YA/Middle Grade readers, the romantic interest between the two main characters feels a bit forced. They're just kids so Serafin's apparent love for Merle is rather far-fetched and sudden considering the two barely met in the previous book and the events of this book follow closely after.

I will definitely be reading the final book in the series.