A review by mjfmjfmjf
Attack Surface by Cory Doctorow


Ouch. That was a painful book to read. And partially because its the story of the bad guy. Or from what I get from the references to the previous books. But I don't remember Masha from those books well enough on my own. Partially it was the pacing. There was some dramatic info-dumping. And preaching. And too much technical details and I'd have to figure too much to follow and understand unless you already knew lots of it. Choices. Making the right choices and how it affects the world we live in. The fiction in this book rated maybe a 3.5. But the nonfiction in this book was too important and too aggressively unavoidable. And both left me kind of brutalized. I'll end this with something from the author's afterword after the two other afterwords.

"As this book is going to press, the world is riven by authoritarian politics, supercharged by technological surveillance and influence campaigns. We stand at the brink of a permanent environmental cataclysm that threatens our very species. We have never needed shelter and force multipliers more than we do today."

This book made me feel victimized. This book made me feel like a coward. But I sure wasn't bored.