A review by nyxiabel
Shadow and Crow by Claudia Cain


"Why do you always manage to leave dead bodies lying around?"

This was hands down the best of the trilogy. With the pace of the first book and dangerous excitement of the second, this book came together to be a satisfying and emotional finale!

For this book, we start where Smoke and Mirrors left off (no spoilers!) and Jennifer and her friends are in the most danger they've ever been, not to mention the world. The creature they are facing is more than they have ever faced and not everyone is going to make it. Friendships are strengthened and broken, people are murdered, and others lose more than their lives. Looking back, there wasn't actually as much to the story as I thought, but sometimes simplicity really works. The book was kept action-packed, and nothing seemed redundant. The story flowed and unfolded at a great pace for a thriller and as I will keep saying, I was hooked.

Because of the relationship building of these characters in the first two books, Shadow and Crow's story kept me emotionally invested and clinging onto my Kindle for dear life in both fear and excitement. Were my precious babies going to make it? In the previous books, Mosi has been my favourite character, but I think with this book, Jennifer really shone through more (I still love Mosi!). The interactions between her and the werewolves and her and the vampire coven were some of the best, not to mention other scenes of hers that you'll just have to find out about. The writing on those was just amazing! Had me right on the edge of my seat.

This book left me warmed but broken, longing for more but also content knowing that the series ended where it should. There is nothing more impressive to me than an author who knows how to end their series realistically and satisfyingly - it's such a hard thing to do! Well done, Claudia! I LOVED IT.

For any of you thirsting for something a little bit action, a little bit of the mundane, I recommend you go pick up Silver and Bone and give it a shot.

Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy ARC of this book to review but all opinions are my own and honest! Thank you, Claudia <3