A review by hereistheend
There You'll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones


01. that cover is too cute
02. i already have a crush on the guy on the cover and i haven't even read it yet. *hangs head and cries*
03. i am frickin' embarrassed this is a chick flick!
04. thanks friend, i like your text- 'every one in a while every girl just needs to read a chick flick' okay. i feel a little better and less lame.
05. this could be really lame or really sweet
06. *i'm reading a chick flick?! AH* [this isn't written very well]
07.idk what to think about this guy
08. cracking up
09. *AW*
10. this is… pretty good. Not gushy and lame like I thought. Not stupid. and the christian-ness was light and the perfect amount. I liked that it was well done.
11. what did i mean it isn't written well it was cute and good and well written and i liked it ugh self.
12. i wasn't crying or anything but this was good and i actually liked it YES I LIKED A CHICK FLICK because this was a good one and not just gushy with a stupid heroin.

oops. i spelled that like the drug. hm.

a n y w a y it was good. and i liked it. so.