A review by lifesouvenirs
Freeze Fresh: The Ultimate Guide to Preserving 55 Fruits and Vegetables for Maximum Flavor and Versatility by Crystal Schmidt

informative inspiring lighthearted fast-paced


Hashtags:  #FreezeFresh #NetGalley. 

Publisher: Storey Publishing 

Release Date:  July 19, 2022

The Promise (Descr from Publisher): 

The Ultimate Guide to PRESERVING 55 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES for Maximum Flaver and Versatility

(From the book’s subtitle - the publisher left the description blank on NetGalley)

The Expectation (mine after reading the promise, etc):

I read the reviews already posted for this and so I know not to be expecting a recipe book: but I wasn’t anyway. I expect this to be a how-to book. I hope to gain some knowledge and confidence in freezing fruits & vegetables.

Favorite/Summary Quote:

For me, growing food is grounding; it makes me feel connected and whole. I share a lot of our life on social media and on my website, and I find great joy in inspiring others with what we're growing, eating, and preserving. I wish that more people could experience growing their own food; I truly think it could change the world.

What I connected with:

I love the bright colors / photos.  Also, the simple instructions. And explanations about what works and what doesn’t!  Easy to follow & understand; and then do!

What I struggled with: 

I didn’t expect this to be a recipe book like some reviewers seem to have expected.  However as I was reading through the book, I kept thinking “Does she have a companion recipe book?” That would be awesome! 

What I learned:

That freezing food isn’t as difficult as my own overthinking led me to believe it would be.

How it transformed me in some way:

I am now way more confident about taking on freezing vegetables and fruits that I never would have considered freezing before!  That’s a big win! 

I would definitely recommend this to friends and family & want a hard copy for my own personal chef library!

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are my own.