A review by zenithharpink
Truman by David McCullough


This book was a DENSE read-and it took me far longer than I'd originally expected to get through it, but it was such a great read that I couldn't stand to increase my pace.

Truman was a great and a good man, and it was inspiring to read about his life and character-McCullough has a great skill at creating a story-like narrative out of a biography. Rigorously researched and painstakingly thorough, this is a well-deserved 1000 page read. I enjoyed every minute of it. Truman was a prolific letter writer, so there was a lot of content directly from his perspective.

Truman represented a time of American history that is truly amazing-and reading his biography is like taking several history classes from middle school and high school over again, but in a much more interesting/entertaining way.

I recommend this book to any looking for a great biography of a prominent figure in American history, history buffs in general, or those interested in an all-around great book. I think this could make my top-10 favorite books ever.