A review by coco_lolo
Eat, and Love Yourself by Sweeney Boo


As a woman who sometimes still struggles with weight and body image, Eat, and Love Yourself hit home. This would have impacted a younger me tremendously, but even now I found the story compelling to me personally, although I don't suffer from an eating disorder like the main character. Watching Mindy relive her old agonies and embarrassments, face her hurt and the people who hurt her, was such a cathartic experience. The art was bubbly and vibrant (not going to lie, that cover alone sold me), and the panels weren't jumbled and flowed together well. I would have liked to see more of Mindy's life after she finally began to love herself though, and the changes her new attitude brought about.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.