A review by jayme
Laboratorio: Poems from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory by Simon Barraclough


So this is what you get when a poet spends a year at a space laboratory coaxing poetry out of scientists. An answer to a question I didn't even know I needed.

You can tell most of these poems are not written by poets, but that's part of the charm. The result of this experiment = an adorably eclectic collection, a nerdy ode to space.

I think my favourite was A Guide to the Solar System for Needle Crafters by Julia Gaudelli:

"Use a bodkin and fine silk thread to create two tiny pom-poms
for the geriatric giants
that dawdle at the periphery
of our knowledge:
vapid whiffs of blue-green

The authors also read one of their collaborative poems here: www.soundcloud.com/simonbarraclough/observatoratorio