A review by maralyons
Little Voices: How Kids in Spirit Helped a Reluctant Medium Escape and Heal from Abuse by Kiersten Parsons Hathcock


Little Voices is a memoir by a self-taught furniture designer who began hearing from child spirits when she was in her late 30s. She describes how she has always been intuitive, but was able to hone this and hear from those who have passed and help their families and law enforcement. I was fascinated by the subject matter, but with a healthy amount of skepticism. I'm not sure how to rate this one. I found the author's experiences as a medium absolutely fascinating, but found the memoir was a bit bogged down by her experiences of day to day reality and romantic relationships. It was a bit tedious to read about her relationship with Tony. It's so easy to see from the outside that it was toxic and I just wanted her to escape from him. But that's how abusive relationships are in terms of entrapment and being cyclical. I wish there was more on her work as a medium, but liked that she gives tips on honing intuition at the end. Overall, a fascinating and readable memoir.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC.