A review by bridgit
The Doll House by Phoebe Morgan


I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange of an honest review. Thank you!

Well, the book failed to surprise me. I thought it would be more gripping, I found myself struggling to bring myself to read further. The most edgy part for me was the very last sentence. The plot used a lot of clichés, which I personally don't like. Like, no one's mobile works when they try to reach each other, because there's no signal (in London? Seriously?) or they simply don't pick up, because they don't notice it rings. Ha. And I feel like some of the plot isn't solved, like there's no explanation for why Dominic had to write that piece of the Carlington House. What where Allison's motives to send him - a blackmail, probably? By who and why and with what? Why was it necessary for Dominic to bring Corinne along for his visit? If Erin (and June) wanted revenge, and Erin had a knife, why didn't she killed them all instead of roping them up and hurting them? She had the chance to finish, why didn't she do it? So I still have questions.
On the bright side: It's easy to like the characters, they're everyday people, with everyday problems, it's like it can happen to anyone. The writing is fine, there's potential in Ms Morgan's work. It's an alright debut novel, I'm sure her future works will be better.