A review by kspear22
Just One Year by Gayle Forman


I debated between four and five stars for this one. I adored the story - well, both parts really - but in the end it fell a little short of great for me.

After reading Just One Day I had always wondered if Allyson had romanticized Willem a bit. At the end of that book, I felt like I still didn't know. So I was definitely happy that we'd get more of his side. However, I also expected MORE from their time together after their reunion. Once again the ending to this book left me with more want than closure. I'm sure I'm supposed to infer that they got their HEA from watching Willem's year-long journey. But this time I wanted something tangible as proof. Preferably in the form of an epilogue of sorts. Don't get me wrong, I was overjoyed that he felt something more for her than his typical jaunts with women. In Just One Day he wasn't necessarily emotionless, but there was a sense of something lacking or missing. Thankfully I believe we got THOSE answers in Just One Year.

While I didn't enjoy this as much as Just One Day, I still felt the emotional pull. We finally get to know Willem and see what makes him tick. He pleasantly surprised me in some scenes. It's a good companion to the first - I only wish the ending had given us slightly more.