A review by cece_rants_raves_reviews
Faerie Blood by Emma L. Adams


Everyone knows the changeling stories-- fey swap out their babies, leaving humans terrified with the crazy fey baby

Now meet Ivy Lane, the changeling human who was captured and grew up IN Faerie….

Oh I did *not* see that coming muhaha!!!


Ivy Lane and her friend Isabel run a detective problem solving shop. Basically, thats who you call when you got a magical problem and can't afford the artistocrat mages
“What happened this time?” Her eyes widened at the sight of my tattered, bloodstained clothes.
“Fucking faeries.” I stormed past into my bedroom”

And, thats the whole book


The Worldbuilding was a post-apocalyptic feel. Couple decades ago, the Human and Fey worlds first met— death and destruction ensued — the Fey got bored and left… and here we are !

As Ivy and Isabel run around trying to solve this book's crime, it involves most of the magical power players in the city so

We meet the necromancers
“Nice,” I said, glancing at the skull-shaped door knocker. “That’s how you play up to stereotypes.”

The asshole of a Mage Lord Vance
“He frowned. “You’re bleeding on the carpet.”
I drew in a shaky breath. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I’ll try to bleed to death in the hall next time.”

The mystery, the betrayal, the intrigue was written to both entice the readers and further the plot. iIt was just so creatively done and some parts were pretty fuckig funny
“The gate swung open, revealing a fancy headstone with my own name written on it in bright blue. I squinted at the words underneath.
“Watch yourself, human.”


I also really loved the friendship here, especially Isabel’s background. BFF to Ivy, Isabel also belongs to a coven so she has a whole life and setting OUTSIDE the heroine. And I really wanna know more about this coven, especially if they as sassy as Isabel
“Underneath the window, a sudden blast of fire scorched the flowerbeds near the ward line.
“Whoa,” I said.
“Hey!” Isabel shouted. “Those are rare herbs, you bastard.”

Another thing this book also worked to do was avoid the dreaded special snowflake
It was hit and miss as some scenes really emphasized Ivy as the rare changeling, which sure makes her pretty damn unique... but there's also lotta other magical people involved and fighting with the fey. Lots of people could save the world, but Ivy the one who usually steps up first:
“Wait. What? You battled faeries without telling me?”
He tilted his head on one side. “I had the impression you were a tad preoccupied. I wasn’t aware you had a monopoly on all faerie killings in town.”

Romance was pretty fun. I not really the Mage Lord’s fan yet. I still think he’s an ass but Ivy likes him so eyyyyy
“How about we continue our conversation from yesterday?”
I read ‘conversation’ as ‘making out’. That, I could get on board with. I drew in a breath. “That seems adequate.”
His chuckle vibrated through the phone. “I’ll see you at seven.”

Main critiques

I guess I don’t really have any. It was just a fun book. Quick read. Nice characters. I wasn’t disappointed but I also wasn’t "wowed". It was a fun take to enjoy a magical detective book with some twists that I’m definitely going to be continuing the series just to enjoy reading something, but I’m not dying to get the next book.
