A review by kidisitor
Handle with Care by Helena Hunting


Forced to 'babysit' two grown men can be challenging, but can come with great rewards. ;) She's been hired as PR to make sure the two brothers don't do anything to damage the family name... or rather to cover it up when they do. And boy, does she have her work cut out for her. In addition to the romance, there is a little bit of mystery involved. There is some angsty-ish involved as both she and the boys have issues with their pasts that they are still trying to over come. Of course there is plenty of laughs and sexiness. She is smart, strong, tough, sexy. He is un-materialistic in a materialistic family. He is also sexy and smart and quite the humanitarian. A fish out of water in the crazy city business world. The characters are well developed and the additional side characters will make you either laugh or scream. This is part of the Shaking Up series (can be read as a stand alone without troubles) so you may recognize some of the cameos. It's a fun story with the exception of those few angsty moments. While the story isn't all roses, there weren't any overly emotional scenes that require Kleenex's, so other than the risk of laughing out loud, it's safe to read in public. ;) It's easy to read. Alternates between POVs. Well written, and hard to put down.

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.