A review by sharonsm_28
Match nul by Cora Brent


Actual Rating: 3.5

This was a great read. The story was interesting. Saylor and Cord both have troubled pasts. First Cord and his brothers were raised by an alcoholic father and a mother that did take care of them basically. Saylor was in an abusive relationship. Cord Gentry and his brothers are known for getting into fights amongst other things. However, the people only judge them by what they see at those times, instead of the sweet guys that protect who they love. I thought Cora Brent really showed how the brothers love and protect each other as well as the people they love.

In this book, the romance between Saylor and Cordero (Cord) was explored. They did not like each other at first. However, they later fell in love. Cord is usually a jerk and an ass. However, while I read the book, I saw the softer side to Cord. It is interesting to see how his personality is throughout the book. Saylor was a strong character. I liked how she handled everything put in front of her. I like the way she got out of the abusive relationship by breaking her ex-boyfriend's arm. It was awesome. I found there could have been more about her past that I got. I wanted to know why her relationship with her mother is so strained. Overall, an enjoyable read.