A review by debyc
The Final Days of Magic by J. D. Horn


When I received "The Final Days of Magic" as an ARC, I realized pretty quickly that I'd have to read the first two books in the series if I was going to really enjoy the story- Kindle Unlimited has the first two books, and I highly recommend reading them first if you have that subscription :). The first one was a bit difficult to get into, especially because there are so many characters that it takes a bit to understand how everyone is connected to each other. Even with an introduction that lists the characters, you really need to have the backstory to really appreciate this finale.

Of the three books in the trilogy, I feel that "The Final Days of Magic" was the weakest. I still give it a four stars, because I appreciate the way that the author, J.D. Horn ended the series. The ending was purposeful, and the story had solid development as it worked to the climax that has been building since book one, which makes it enjoyable to read. I have never been to New Orleans- but this book really makes me want to see it. The imagery of New Orleans was unique and beautiful- this stands out quite a bit in this third book.

Too many times, I feel like an author doesn't plan the way a book will end or will race to finish it and end up garbling it. In some ways, I feel like Horn did this-- some characters drop off and the descriptions of what was happening in the plot got wordy and difficult to process. At the same time, I could see the progression that Horn made through the three books with character development and plot. There was a lot going on, and it would probably take another read to really understand the way that magic works in this series.
There were a quite a few characters that I didn't like, and honestly ended up skimming through (Sorry twins. Sorry Marcielle). Other characters I didn't like but ended up enjoying (I didn't think I'd like Fleur- how did she become such a different character in the third book?!).
Overall, happy with the trilogy and happy to recommend it to fans who enjoy books about witches.

Thank you Netgalley, JD Horn and 47North for an ARC of this novel! I love the covers to these books! :)