A review by emilyhei
A Date with the Other Side by Erin McCarthy


Shelby Tucker has always just gone with the flow, she married young and divorced her high school sweetheart, not because they fought or disliked one another, he just wasn't it. Shelby has never expected more than what life has to offer and one of those is giving ghost tours to tourists.

Boston Macnamara doesn't know why his boss sent him to Cuttersville, but he is not happy about it. Point in fact waking up nude to have a pixie of a woman checking out his goods and talking in crypted speak that he can't wrap his head around. What he does know though is he would like to get closer to Shelby but with no commitment. Shelby wants a fling, but she maybe a little to hometown girl to allow it to happen.

The story is hilarious in the beginning, has a great opening chapter. It is fun and quirky but towards the end loses a little of it's charm. Overall a good story