A review by mpr2000
The Khan by Saima Mir


I am speechless, this book has moved me so much that it has taken me a while to put all my emotions and thoughts in order to make a review, amazing! The Khan is a story about family, love and loyalty but also about vengeance, racism and justice. I don’t think I’ve read any book that has so many emotions in it for a while; showing first hand what racism means or being bullied for your skin, religion or genre. Because, in the muslim world it is difficult to accept the leadeership of a woman and this is what our main character Jia Khan will have to face all her life. She wants to be someone but no one around her likes a woman to be a leader. When her father is killed, she will do anything to discover who did it and try to reinstate the peace he always created with the Jirga law. But is she ready to apply the Jirga law? “Every action has a reason, a measured reason. If you wait long enough, time reveals it”T he story is told in a slow pace at the beginning mixing the present with memories from the past, good times until they were not… These memories are the ones that will connect all the story and make it full. I didn’t understand at the beginning why there were so many flashbacks, but in the end it made sense, to know how everything and everyone changed after all the darkness that the Khan family had been surrounded by.
I was intrigued with this book from the beginning and now, after reading it, I can say that I loved it. It’s a difficult and dark read, to make the reader think about racism and the world we live in; maybe it’s time to make a change, a big change, enough of being marked for being different, don’t you think?
“The Khan” is a powerful book, amazing and twisted. Are you ready?