A review by katheryn
Best British Short Stories 2019 by Sally Jubb, Elizabeth Baines, Kieran Devaney, Naomi Booth, Melissa Wan, Robert Mason, Ren Watson, Nigel Humphreys, Ann Quin, Sam Thompson, Vicky Grut, Lucie McKnight Hardy, Nicholas Royle, Julia Armfield


I'm on a run of great books at the moment.

Best British Short Stories 2019 is an excellent collection of imaginative short stories, shining a light on the darker side of everyday life. The stories which stand out as my favourites are 'Smack' by Julia Armfield, and 'Reality' by John Lanchester. While there were obviously some stories I enjoyed more than others (my least favourites being slightly too cryptic), there were none I didn't enjoy. I liked that there was only really one story written in an unconventional style, but that there were more than a few stories whose writing style I admired.

This one comes highly recommended.