A review by deea_bks
The Dig by Cynan Jones



I have to admit that I had not heard about this author until hearing him speak in a literary podcast. The way he was phrasing his words intrigued me and I decided to give his book(s) a go. And I am so glad I did!

His writing is the most intense and visual writing I have ever stumbled upon. There are two interrelated stories in this book and I really did not care for one of them (reading detailed descriptions of how badgers are killed in the Welsh countryside cannot really be my thing), but the other story from the book is about grief and oh God, can Cynan Jones express the subtilities of grief! In a few poetic, very intense sentences he gets you transported there, in the realm of someone else’s grief and I have to say that his words work like a spell! The way he uses and combines them in order to get this very intense result is simply astonishing. I’ll be sure to try his other books (novellas) as well.