A review by booknerd_therapist
Catalyst: A Tale of the Barque Cats by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, Anne McCaffrey


This book seemed to take forever to read. (And when I say "forever," it was about three weeks to get through 307 pages, which is a long time for me.) The first 200 or so pages seemed to drag on and on, and the characters got on my last nerve. All of the main characters had mommy or daddy issues of some kind. (Janina is an orphan, Jubal's father is a criminal, etc.) Even the bad-guy vet, Dr. Wren, who hates cats, had some childhood issue: a cat scratched her up so badly she needed surgery to repair her face. All righty then.

All of the characters are basically flat characters. They don't undergo any amount of growth. (Although, a case could be made for Jubal's father, who uses his criminal skills to save the cats.)

The plot is okay. I mean, it's about cats in space, not sure how much one should expect. I do have to give the authors credit for their imaginative story-telling. Coming up with a plausible inter-galactic economy, previously unknown species, etc. was the most entertaining part of the story.

The last 100 or so pages were better. More cats and more action made for more enjoyment.

This is apparently just one installment in a larger series, but I don't think I liked it enough to read the rest.